Friday, 27 May 2011

The Journey!

First let me introduce myself, I'm Paige Raven.  I am a creator in Second Life.  I am the proud owner of Cozy Homes, Cozy Essentials, Cozy Kid and Cozy Baby, I make homes and home furnishings.  It has been an amazing six plus years of creativity.  I consider myself very fortunate to have such a wonderful, amazing fan base and even more grateful for my family and friends.  Without them I would be lost and honestly lonely.  They make logging on worth while.  Each of them brings a smile to my face, fill my day with laughter and always inspire me to improve.  Here I will share some of the wonderful adventures and some of the not so wonderful experiences that living in the virtual world brings.  It's been over six year since I logged onto Second Life.  I can tell you this much, people never cease to amaze me.  Some good, others not so good and then the occasional moron who has nothing better to do then come and play games with our hearts, minds and souls.

Second Life is a virtual game as some put it, but the people behind the avatars are no different then your neighbour, your friend, your mother, your brother.  For that reason alone, should be treated with the same love and respect as anyone in our real lives.  So come along with me on this journey, share the bumps and bruises, the trials and errors.  You just never know what is around the corner.